Town in foothills
Broadband assessment and interest survey

Foothills Broadband Assessment

The Foothills County is engaging in an assessment of broadband capacity and capabilities with residents in and around the Foothills County Landfill location. This survey will assist the County in identifying interest, broadband needs, potential stakeholders, and Fibre to the home growth opportunities, to create a financial case to potentially expand Foothills Fibre into the area utilizing available Grant funding and other stakeholder Capital investment opportunities.

The survey will enable the County to make financial data driven decisions on the potential infrastructure investment into this targeted area of interest. If enough interest and need is discovered the decision to expand the Foothills Fibre Network will be dependent on a healthy financial model utilizing expected revenue potential VS Capital needed to deploy the needed Fibre to the area.

Figure 1 below shows the area of interest and potential investment.

map of grant application area

Foothills County Representatives:

Hollis Jacobsen

Manager of IT

Foothills County

403 652 2341

Steven Olmsted

CEO, Ten Four Technology; Consultant for Foothills County

403 977 1386